City Hall Roll Call: April 13th, 2023
Council to hold hearings on City's emergency response to water crisis
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Welcome to City Hall Roll Call, a summary of City Council’s weekly Stated Meeting. Reminder, the information provided below is not an official or complete record. City Council’s official legislative database can be accessed through Legistar.
Session Recap:
After taking a week off for the Easter holiday, Council returned to chambers today for its weekly Stated Meeting. Their budget duties and the upcoming municipal election have continued to be the primary focus of City Council this spring, with few larger policy initiatives being put forward at its weekly meeting. Today’s session followed this trend, with a couple of noteworthy introductions.
Councilmember Anthony Phillips (D-9th) introduced two pieces of legislation. The first would amend laws regarding nuisance businesses and increase the fines and penalties associated with a nuisance declaration. Phillips stated that the bill was designed with the support of key stakeholders, including the Philadelphia Police Department and Licenses and Inspections. The bill would hold businesses accountable for incidents that occur after business hours and increase the fines for repeat offenders. The legislation also beefs up L&I’s enforcement authority to issue cease operations orders.
Phillips also introduced a resolution authorizing City Council to hold hearings on last month’s water crisis, specifically the City’s emergency response to the situation. In a speech on the floor, Phillips noted that the City’s public messaging around the incident stoked “confusion, panic and chaos” and undermined the public’s trust of government.
In other business, a resolution was introduced appointing Councilmember Mike Driscoll (D-6th) to the Philadelphia Gas Commission.
On the election front, former councilmember Derek Green (D) announced that he was suspending his campaign. Green, a former Assistant District Attorney and Council staffer was one of many resignations in advance of the Mayoral election. He joins his former colleague Maria Quiñones-Sánchez as the latest candidate to suspend their campaign. Sanchez cited the “disgusting” amount of dark money flooding into the race as one of the reasons she felt she could not gain traction in the crowded field.
Bills and Resolutions Introduced Today (By Subject Matter)
Due to the volume, ceremonial resolutions introduced by Councilmembers that honor or memorialize individuals or organizations will not be listed below, but can be found on Legistar.
🏗️ Zoning / Construction
Bill approving an amendment to the Holy Family Master Plan. (Driscoll)
🗺️ Land Disposition / Acquisition
Resolution authorizing conveyance of 1736 N. 22nd Street to the Philadelphia Land Bank pursuant to Section 16-405 of the Philadelphia Code. (Clarke)
Resolution authorizing Land Bank transfer to the Philadelphia Housing Authority. (Gauthier)
💼 Business Regulation
Bill amending Section 9-105 and Chapter 9-4400 of The Philadelphia Code to further define nuisance businesses, provide for additional enforcement and penalties, and make certain technical changes.
Bill establishing parking regulations on both sides of N. Carlisle Street, between W. Girard Avenue and Poplar Street. (Clarke)
Bill authorizing the revision of lines and grades. (Johnson)
Bill establishing parking regulations in the Second Councilmanic District. (Johnson)
Bill establishing no truck parking in the Third Councilmanic District. (Gauthier)
Bill establishing commercial parking regulations in the Sixth Councilmanic District. (Driscoll)
📛 Board / Commission Appointments
Resolution recognizing an appointment to the Veterans Advisory Commission. (Clarke)
Resolution appointing Councilmember Mike Driscoll to the Philadelphia Gas Commission. (Clarke)
⚖️ Privileged Resolutions (Authorizing Hearings / Urging Action)
Resolution calling for hearings to investigate Philadelphia’s emergency management practices and the City’s overall preparedness when facing credible threats to our drinking water. (Phillips)
Resolution calling upon the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and the Pennsylvania State Senate to pass HB776 prohibiting untraceable firearms and HB777 banning “ghost gun” parts. (Jones)
Resolution authorizing public hearings examining the rate of judgments in small claims court. (Jones)
Bills and Resolutions Introduced Today (By Member)
Due to the volume, ceremonial resolutions introduced by Councilmembers that honor or memorialize individuals or organizations will not be listed below, but can be found on Legistar.
Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson (D-2nd)
Bill: Authorizing the revision of lines and grades.
Bill: Establishing parking regulations in the Second Councilmanic District.
Councilmember Jamie Gauthier (D-3rd)
Bill: Establishing no truck parking in the Third Councilmanic District.
Resolution: Authorizing Land Bank transfer to the Philadelphia Housing Authority.
Councilmember Curtis Jones, Jr. (D-4th)
Resolution: Calling upon the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and the Pennsylvania State Senate to pass HB776 prohibiting untraceable firearms and HB777 banning “ghost gun” parts.
Resolution: Authorizing the Committee on Law and Government to hold hearings examining the rate of judgments in small claims court.
Council President Darrell Clarke (D-5th)
Bill: Establishing parking regulations on both sides of N. Carlisle Street, between W. Girard Avenue and Poplar Street.
Resolution: Recognizing an appointment to the Veterans Advisory Commission.
Resolution: Appointing Councilmember Mike Driscoll to the Philadelphia Gas Commission.
Resolution: Authorizing conveyance of 1736 N. 22nd Street to the Philadelphia Land Bank pursuant to Section 16-405 of the Philadelphia Code.
Councilmember Mike Driscoll (D-6th)
Bill: Approving an amendment to the Holy Family Master Plan.
Bill: Establishing commercial parking regulations in the Sixth Councilmanic District.
Councilmember Anthony Phillips (D-9th)
Bill: Amending Section 9-105 and Chapter 9-4400 of The Philadelphia Code to further define nuisance businesses, provide for additional enforcement and penalties, and make certain technical changes.
Resolution: Calling for hearings to investigate Philadelphia’s emergency management practices and the City’s overall preparedness when facing credible threats to our drinking water.
Bills and Resolutions Passed by City Council at Today’s Session
🗺️ 230254 (Lozada): Authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 2410 & 2412 N. Orianna Street located in the 7th Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.
🗣️ 230255 (Vaughn): Calling upon the United States Congress to pass the Sgt. Isaac Woodard, Jr. and Sgt. Joseph H. Maddox G.I. Bill Restoration Act.
⚖️ 230### (Phillips): Calling for hearings to investigate Philadelphia’s emergency management practices and the City’s overall preparedness when facing credible threats to our drinking water.
🏆 230### (Gilmore-Richardson): Recognizing and supporting the health of Black Mamas and birthing people and declaring Black maternal health week
🏆 230### (Thomas): Honoring the Champions of the Week, the students of Lankenau High School, for their valuable work studying the environmental impact of mussels and working to increase the mussel population in the Schuylkill River.
🏆 230### (Thomas): Recognizing the Philadelphia Children’s Alliance and Department of Human Services for their collaborative commitment to bring healing and justice to victims of child abuse and declaring April 2023 to be Child Abuse Prevention Month.
⚖️ 230### (Jones): Authorizing public hearings examining the rate of judgments in small claims court.
🏆 230### (Gauthier): Designating April 9, 2023 as Paul Robeson Day.
🏆 230### (Gauthier): Honoring and congratulating Robeson high student Alyssa Perren for her historic admission to Harvard University.
🏆 230### (Squilla): Recognizing Bob Smith for his standout career as a vital link between Comcast and the nonprofit community.
🏆 230### (Squilla): Proclaiming May 9th as Kiyoshi Kuromiya Day in Philadelphia.
🏗️ 230034-A (Gauthier): To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Haverford Avenue, 44th Street, Belmont Avenue, Girard Avenue, and 40th Street.
🏗️ 230007 (Gauthier): Amending Section 14-513 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “/TOD, Transit-Oriented Development Overlay District” and amending Section 14-533 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “/MIN, Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay District,” to expand the applicable areas of each district in the vicinity of Market Street between 54th Street and 63rd Street, all under certain terms and conditions.
🏗️ 230107 (Jones): To amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by 63rd Street, Callowhill Street, Felton Street and Vine Street.
📆 Upcoming City Council Public Hearings
(Click on the Committee listing to download the full agenda of bills and resolutions for the meeting.)
Monday, April 17th
Special Committee on Gun Violence Prevention, 10:00 AM - The committee will conduct a hearing to develop a comprehensive approach to supporting youth who are at risk of being involved in or are currently involved in gun violence.
Monday, April 24th
Committee on the Environment, 10:00 AM - the Committee will take testimony on Bill No. 230127 to revise the compensation for members of the Environmental Justice Advisory Commission.
Monday, April 24th
Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development and the Homeless, 1:00 PM - the Committee will hear testimony on Bill No. 221017 - An Ordinance amending Chapter 7-200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Preservation of Affordable Housing,” to modify certain requirements that must be met before a change in ownership, other disposition, or other change in property interest occurs with respect to certain affordable housing properties in Philadelphia; and, Bill No. 221018 to provide for a City directory of affordable housing subsidies and their duration.
📆 Budget Schedule (Updated: 3/20/2023)
Tuesday, April 18th
Morning Session (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
Commerce Department
Aviation Department
Mural Arts Program
Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
Fire Department
Public Testimony – Tax Bills
Wednesday, April 19th
Morning Session (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
Mayor’s Office of Children & Families
Parks & Recreation
Department of Human Services
Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
Philadelphia Energy Authority
Free Library
Tuesday, April 25th
Morning Session (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
Register of Wills
City Controller
City Commissioners
Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
Water Department
Defender’s Association
Wednesday, April 26th
Morning Session (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
Department Callbacks
Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
Public Testimony
Tuesday, May 2nd
Morning Session (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM) / Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
School District of Philadelphia
Community College of Philadelphia
Wednesday, May 3rd
Morning Session (10:00 AM - 12:30 PM) / Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM)
Public Testimony - School District of Philadelphia